
Ashly and Samuel Burr and Morgan McCarver are the featured artists at Edgewood Cottage until Aug. 20. Artists Ashly and Samuel Burr are the only husband-wife artist team in the Cottage this summer. They offer bold color and thoughtful emotion as they produce collaborative acrylic paintings. Samuel and Ashly take turns painting layers on a shared canvas. They share two perspectives of one story until the piece is complete. Come meet Samuel and Ashly and learn how they do it, working collaboratively, yet still married through it all. Full article


“Working as a pair to produce many of their works, they are living out the words of one of their former Belgian instructors who aptly said: “Together you make the perfect artist.”

This interview dives into the pathway to creativity, embracing your true artistic self, and learning how to let go. It also touches on the questions that artists often face, such as: “Does my art really hold any worth, even if it doesn’t sell?” Podcast Interview

Studio Tours

The Burr Nest Studio tour dates : October 20, 21 & 27, 28 2023.
The North Carolina Mountain Arts Adventure is a juried group of Alleghany County professional artists and craftspeople dedicated to designing and creating high quality, handmade art and fine craft. It is the group’s intent to provide opportunities for the public to meet and interact with individual artists in their personal studio environments, thereby building a strong and appreciative connection between the public and the arts community. More information about the Studio Tours.